World War II – 1939 to 1945

World War II was a global war with military alliances of the Allies (led by the US, Soviet Union, UK, and China) and the Axis (led by Germany, Italy, and Japan). It was the deadliest conflict in human history where 70 to 85 million people perished and included massacres, the Holocaust, and the use of nuclear weapons.

Dropping bombs on Japan (Courtesy National Archives)
Naval Battle World War II (Courtesy National Archives)

Author: Leslie

GEOMANCER - A genius Chinese rocket scientist is accused of being a communist during McCarthyism, interned and deported to China where he develops the Silkworm missile and helps shepherd in the atom bomb. His brilliant biographer exposes the truth about the Rape of Nanking war atrocities and is caught up in the geopolitical intrigue. Can they break the never-ending cycle of destruction with their own souls?