
Diffusion Image of Human Brain (Courtesy NIH)

Both Iris and Tsien were avowed atheists. I would hesitate to say that Iris and Tsien are in the Bardo but they meet in an in-between state after death that is influenced by my reading of Tibetan Buddhism.

It is best to allow the experts to explain. Here is Bob Thurman’s short explanation about the Bardo Thordol. He also explains the fierce dieties that you encounter in the intermediate state after encountering the peaceful dieties. You can also listen to the audio book of his translation.

Capabilities in the Intermediate: (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje)

Having the bodily form of one’s past and emergent existences, complete with all sense-faculties, and the power of unobstructed movement. Endowed with miraculous abilities derived from past actions, visible to those similar in kind and through pure clairvoyance. (p.274)

Of all the things which you have the ability to recall, there is not one which you cannot make manifest. (p. 276) … those of a similar kind of birth will come to perceive one another. Thus, in the case of those ‘similar in kind’ who are to be born as gods, the gods [to be] perceive one another. … If you are intent on seeing [beings of like nature in this intermediate state] then they will be perceived. (p.276)

Desire Realm

Desire Realm
GodsMundane, celestial beings whose primary mental state is exaltation. Live a wonderful and sensual life. Proud. In present day, these are equated to celebrities. They will grow old and decay.
AntigodsPredominantly hostile and jealous. Want more and compete for power and money. Oppress others to get what they want. In present day, an example is vindictive politicians.
Human beingsInfluenced by all the five dissonant mental states. Human form is the only place where we can advance the evolution. The body is a vehicle for transformation. Swayed by desires, but able to reflect .
AnimalsWho are under the sway of delusion. Primitive lives concerned mainly with basic survival and reproduction. Do not have the benefit of reflection. Instinctual.
Anguished spirits Who are under the sway of attachment and unsatisfied craving. These are the hungry ghosts that have huge stomachs but tiny mouths. Tormented by hunger and thirst, they have insatiable appetites but are unable to eat. They are never satisfied.
Hell beingsWho are overwhelmed by hatred, anger and fear. In current psychology, a state of constant, pervasive, painful suffering. Constant violence. Those who live in despair, fear and terror.

At the moment of death (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 231)

“… this radiant essence that is now your conscious awareness is a brilliant emptiness. … This is the female Buddha Samantabhadri, the essential nature of reality. … This [conscious awareness] is the male Buddha Samantabhadra. The utterly indivisible presence of these two; the essence of your own awareness, which is empty, without inherent existence with respect to any substance whatsoever, and your own conscious body of Reality. This intrinsic awareness, manifest in a great mass of light, in which radiance and emptiness are indivisible, is the buddha [nature] of unchanging light.”

First Day (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 236)

“,,, the transcendent lord Vairocana will dawn before you, his body white in colour, … embraced by his consort Akasadhatvisavari. A blue luminosity radiant and clear, bright and dazzling, … Together with this [luminosity], a dull white light, [indicative of the realm] of the gods, will also dawn directly before you … At this time, under the sway of negative past actions, you will [wish to] flee in fear and terror from the bright blue light, which is the pristine cognition of reality’s expanse, and you will come to perceive the dull white light of the god [realms] with delight.”

Second Day (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 238)

A [brilliant] white light, [indicative of] the mirror-like pristine cognition, which is the natural purity of the aggregate of form, white and dazzling, radiant and clear [will emanate] from the heart of Vajrasattva and his consort and it will shine piercingly before you [at the level of your heart, with such brilliance] that your eyes cannot bear it. Together with this light of pristine cognition, a dull smoky light, [indicative of] the hell [realms], will also dawn before you [and touch your heart].

Third Day (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 240)

“…the transcendent lord Ratnasambhava will dawn before you, his body yellow in colour … embraced by his supreme consort Mamaki. …A yellow light … from the heart of Ratnasambhava and his consort and will shine piercingly before you at the level of your heart [with such brilliance] that your eyes cannot bear it. Together with the light of pristine cognition, a dull blue light, [indicative of] the human realm, will also dawn before you and touch your heart.

Fourth Day (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 242)

“A red light … radiant and clear, bright and dazzling, [will emanate] from the heart of Amitabha and his consort and will shine piercingly before you at the level of your heart [with such brilliance] that your eyes cannot bear it. … Together with the light of pristine cognition, a dull yellow light, [indicative of the realm] of anguished spirits, will also dawn before you [and touch your heart].”

Fifth Day (The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 244)

“A green light … [will emanate] from the heart of Amoghasiddhi and his consort and it will shine piercingly before you at the level of your heart … Together with the light of pristine cognition, a dull red light, [indicative of the realm] of the antigods and formed by envy will also dawn before you [and touch your heart].”

Sixth Day The Tibetan Book of the Dead translated by Gyurme Dorje, p. 246)

“if you had previously recognised [one of] the natural luminosities of the pristine cognitions of the five enlightened families as being a natural manifestation [of the actual reality], you would have dissolved into rainbow light [at the heart] of [one of] these buddha-bodies of the five respective enlightened families , and attained buddhahood. … The array is made up of [central] couples [of male and female deities], forming five distinct clusters, and each cluster of five is encircled by an aura of five-colored lights.”

Author: Leslie

GEOMANCER - A genius Chinese rocket scientist is accused of being a communist during McCarthyism, interned and deported to China where he develops the Silkworm missile and helps shepherd in the atom bomb. His brilliant biographer exposes the truth about the Rape of Nanking war atrocities and is caught up in the geopolitical intrigue. Can they break the never-ending cycle of destruction with their own souls?